Pre-publication Peer Review

Why not opt for pre-publication peer review services to be sure your manuscript is ready for publication?

Finally, your manuscript is complete from your end and we want you to congratulate on that. But you are not sure whether it is ready to be submitted to your preferred journal or not. Right?
We understand this feeling and that’s why we are here to help.

We offer pre-publication expert peer review services to make sure that your manuscript is up to your chosen journal’s provisions and ready to be submitted for publication.

Do you know what exactly pre-publication peer review is?

It is a process in which qualified experts in the Health Research sector examine your research work to see if it’s ready for publication. Pre-publication peer review points out potential problems within the research work or manuscript before it is submitted to the journal.
Sounds captivating. Doesn’t it?
One of our experts at Health Education Research (HER) is a former Editor-in-Chief of British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and Editor of Evidence-based Medicine-British Medical Journal, and BioMedCentral Medical Education. He has written over 400 manuscripts and evaluated more than 10,000 manuscripts during his career.
Who would you choose for reviewing your hard work other than HER, which has a team of enthusiastic researchers from all parts of the world?
And do you know the best part?
Our first consultation is always FREE because we believe that you should first have an idea about the company and its researchers you are going to work with and then proceed with the work.
What are you waiting for?